Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Brimming Over!

I'm just so stinkin happy!
No one told me being married to a great guy was so much fun and so wonderful! Okay. Maybe SOMEONE said something. But they must not have said just HOW wonderful it is! Anyway, somewhere along the line, communications did not come through! I am happier now than I have ever been in my entire life. And I had fun being single.
So, for the sake of anyone unsure of how totally AWESOME marriage is...

I love:
Coming home to kisses and questions and long "my day" stories
Waking up to kisses and "how did you sleep?" 's
"I love you" texts, even though I already know
Dreaming about the future
Giggling about the past
Paying bills together and hoping and hoping all of our checks clear
Working on projects together
Driving together
Lazy Saturday mornings
Prepping lessons together on Sunday mornings
Sex (let's be honest here)
Telling everyone how happy I am

...and so many many other little and big things that contribute to this amazing relationship that I look forward to for all Eternity. I can't wait to go to the Temple with my sweetheart, and I'm so grateful for his love and our abundant life together.


Ali said...

Yay for having a happy, loving marriage! I knew I liked that Josh, the minute I saw how happy he made you.

Lara Neves said...

I think your list is perfect. All of those things are what make being married amazing.

I was just thinking of you today. Chloe has this certain look she gets on her face and when she does it, she looks JUST LIKE YOU! She was making that face and I just started missing you a ton. Love you!!